DATE: Thursday, 20 October 2022
TIME: 4:00pm
Location: 31-270
SPEAKER: Pat Cargill, GE
TOPIC: Keys to Success in a Technical Career
Pat will speak on the Keys to Success in a Technical Career. Working on a gas turbine requires more than technical ability: skills, habits, and practices that enable an engineer to effectively contribute to a large, complex team. Pat will share tips and stories she has collected over the years (some through painful personal experiences) to give insight into what can help and what can hinder you in your engineering career on new research directions required to address the challenges.
Pat holds a BSME from Iowa State University. She has worked for over forty years in Compression Aero, starting at Garrett (now Honeywell) in Phoenix, but mainly at GE Aviation in Cincinnati, OH. She has contributed to a range of commercial, military, and research programs. She filled both manager and senior technical leadership roles, and actively engaged in mentoring and training. Pat also has been involved in ASME/IGTI as turbomachinery committee chair and conference review chair. After retiring in 2020, Pat is now a part-time consultant with GE.